I have two girls who both go to secondary school. Today the girls' school started remotely with their new head master's assembly which was incredible and very powerful. I feel so lucky to be able to send girls to their school which can influence not only the children but also their parents too. I would like to share a little bit of his speech. I think that this message is helpful for all of us, children and parents, in facing this pandemic.
First powerful message was "To look out for one another, to look after one another." "To be kind to yourself, to be kind to others."
He said:
'A very simple tip for this is to focus and think about random acts of kindness that could cheer someone up, that can make someone feel better and improve their day. This can simply be reaching out and connecting with someone who you haven’t spoken to for a while, paying someone a compliment or saying something kind to someone who might be a bit shy or feeling anxious at this time. Showing someone that you are thinking of them that you care for them. This can make a huge difference, it could transform somebody’s day and make them feel better and brighter. It creates and generates happiness, it spreads kindness and develops our sense of community. It is at times like this when things feel uncertain when the world seems to be changing in strange and unpredictable ways that renewing our commitment to the simple values community, togetherness of kindness and compassion, it is very very powerful indeed.
Another core value that I think is going to be very important to us all at the moment is RESILIENCE. I suppose in many ways, this is the harder or tougher character attribute.
Resilience is the ability to overcome challenges, to adapt to new and different circumstances or to recover from setbacks. It is the psychology of getting through challenging or pressurised times. By focussing on the important work at hand. By prioritising , by simply writing a to-do list, by taking things lesson by lesson and day by day. Not looking too far ahead. This is a very important way for us to operate in times like this. A resilient mind set allows you to zoom in and focus in on the moment. On the ‘right now’, on very short term manageable goals and manageable, achievable targets. By narrowing you perspective like this you can begins to restore a sense of control and order when times are uncertain and challenging....
We must use our voice and use our skill and recognise our own power and ability to make positive changes and make a positive impact on the world around us....
That power to make a positive change in those around us is incredibly important to keep hold of. When things get tough and things get uncertain, it is easy to feel powerless and we therefore narrow our vision and our focus on the daily things that we can achieve. That is undoubtably important but so too is that broader sense of positive change to make a change in the world. Of inspiration of ideas that making a difference and of giving something back.
So my challenge to you all at the start of this term is this: to spread kindness, to strengthen our sense of community, to reach out to others to bring us all closer together to look up and to look outwards, to look to the future with a sense of hope, confidence and a positive impact that each and very one of you can make in the world around you.'
Hope many of us will agree and try our best to join in for actions.
