It was a beautifully snowy morning which is first time this winter, which inspired us to go outside for a walk. It made me realise and appreciate what a beautiful place we live in and I strongly felt it was a gift from my Dad who is in spiritual world now. It was magical morning and great way to start the day full of lovely messages from him.
Moving into the new year, I have decided to act upon this quote ' Continuity is the father of success'. By doing a little a day of what you enjoy or what is important for a healthy lifestyle you can achieve so much. It is easy to set goals that are unrealistic and perhaps a little too optimistic so this year I made a new years resolution that I know I can realistically uphold. This is not a sign of laziness or weakness but one of self understanding and strong will.
I want to make sure that I fit Reiki, Meditation and Yoga into my everyday life, even for a short time each day because I am well aware of the huge difference this can make. I aim to do this in the morning and evening as well as writing my diary. It is important to start and end the day with relaxation and happiness.
As a part of this, I am reading a 365 day quote book. Today, the quote was:
"Use your love to send your loved ones out to the world. Allow them to experience life for themselves without holding them back. That is true love".
And this is exactly the way my parents did for me and my siblings. They allowed me to leave Japan, which must have been so hard, to come here and live the life that I wanted. Now, as a parent, I realise how much courage it takes to be able to do this and that it requires a deep trust in your child to do what is right. I am forever grateful for all that he did for me and hope to be able to do the same to my loved ones in the future.

そこで活躍している365日の美しい言葉の本、父の誕生日のページには”あなたの愛によって、愛するものを世界に押し出しなさい。彼らが自分自身を充分に体験できるようにしむけなさい。それが、ほんとうの愛だ” とありました。これはまさに両親が私や私の姉弟を育てる時に実践し続けてくれてたこと。今、自らが十代の子を持つ親となり、子供をまずはしっかりと育て、全面的に信じて任せ、旅立たせるための準備をしてあげることがどれほど難しいかを実感すると同時に、親としてのさらなる成長が必要なことを教えてもらえた、そんな不思議な1日でした。大好きな父に心からの感謝を込めて。。。