Gendai Reiki is for you
if you are looking for ...
Stress Relief. Relaxation. Clear Mind. Positive Mindset.
Overcoming Addiction. Purifies Karma and Trauma. Confidence.
Boost Immunity. Anti-aging. Health and Wellbeing. Happiness.
Positive Childcare Methods. Help Children to find Confidence.
Become a Healer. Healing for Family, Friends and Pet.
How to control your Emotion. Heal Anxiety. Find your Dream.
Healthy, Peaceful and Quality Life. Simplicity in your Life. etc...
The Five principles of Usui Reiki Ryo-ho:
The secret of happiness, the remedy for all diseases
Just for today do not be angry,
Just for today do not worry,
Just for today be thankful,
Just for today do what you are meant to do,
Just for today be kind to others.
Invoke these principles in your mind and recite them, morning and night, with your hands in Gassho.
The improvement of the mind and of the body Usui Reiki Ryo-ho.
-Choso Mikao Usui.
Reiki Holistic Therapy is a treatment for the mind, body, spirit and emotions. It simply refers to treating the whole person rather than individual symptoms. Gendai Reiki practices assist in regaining the physical and energy balances of the body.
In Reiki Holistic Therapy, a lot of focus is placed on the individual taking responsibility for their own wellbeing. In that respect, we tend to concentrate on supporting clients about lifestyle changes and self-care practices that they may undertake to promote balance and wellness.
For maintaining good health and overall wellbeing we look for the underlaying cause by considering
physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual states of health and wellbeing.
We cannot live a happy and meaningful life if we are disconnected and fragmented. This is why it is so important to look at all the elements of health simultaneously.
Gendai Reiki Holistic therapy can provide support with:
Physical health: bodily aches, chronic pain, illnesses, tension, fatigue and diseases.
Emotional health: feelings such as anger, sadness, or worry.
Mental health: all our limiting beliefs that manifest as depression, anxiety and stress e.g. “I am not good enough.”
Spiritual health: feeling empty, lost, incomplete, disconnected and fragmented.
Reiki Holistic Therapy is a completely natural and non-invasive treatment, suitable for all ages.
It’s important to remember that holistic therapy doesn’t negate or disregard Western medicine; it can work alongside conventional medicine in a complementary manner.
Balance and harmony is the key. We can help to restore the body’s natural balance, leading to a more sustained and rewarding quality of life.
Reiki Holistic Therapy is perfect for someone who is looking to manage chronic stress. Studies show that ‘taking time out’ for holistic therapy treatment can help individuals to manage stress; aiding relaxation and improving longevity.
Reiki Holistic therapy is effective in addressing countless other physical and psychological concerns, from muscular aches and pains to hormonal imbalances, to improved sleep and mental clarity. As well as being deeply relaxing and providing relief from the everyday stresses, Reiki Holistic Therapy treatments can also be a treat for individuals who enjoy pampering themselves.
If you are interested in Gendai Reiki healing but not sure yet, or wishing to know bit more about Gendai Reiki, we have mindfulness workshops, Reiki trial events and distance reiki trial etc... so feel free to let me know. Happy to explain more.
招福の秘法 萬病の霊薬
臼井甕男先生 五戒より